Casa Amarosa



For Nirali Guzman, the move from her career as a brand & marketing strategist to the founder of the ethically sourced home goods company, Casa Amarosa, was not a stretch at all. She was born into it. She grew up in an entrepreneurial family in Mumbai, India. Growing up in India, surrounded by gorgeous textiles and colors while also witnessing the reality of marginalized communities around her, had an effect on her earliest business decisions. “It makes you realize what kind of impact you can actually have when you purchase a product,” she says.

Beyond India, Nirali has lived in France and currently resides in the US but her love for travel has taken her all over the world - and during those travels, her appreciation for global design flourished. Her company’s global aesthetic goes hand in hand with her deep concern and reverence for the Indian artisans whose skills create Casa Amarosa’s products. She started this venture with a vision to bring the rich cultural techniques and textiles of her homeland to the rest of the world. From its launch, Casa Amarosa has been guided by the ethics of social responsibility to empower communities and celebrate Indian craftsmanship.


Among the Flowers

